Coming Soon: 'Fly or Die' Baron -

Coming Soon: ‘Fly or Die’ Baron

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A first look at the new Baron Legendary Skin coming to Vainglory.


  1. ''Sexually identified as an apache helicopter''

  2. So this is vainglory's version of gyrocopter 😂

    Im Surprised that how his arm,leg still attached to his body even though part of her leg been crush while transform 😂.. Welp this is Video game so who care about logic on it😝 haha. .

  4. One is on the ground , one is in the sky

  5. Anymore transformers… I mean hero skins…

  6. Why does this look like those crappy toy ads, I’m not shitting on the game or anything it just feels like it’s one of those crappy toy ads

  7. Ride or die Skye felt "cool" but Barons Ride or die feels a little "cheesy" tbh. Idk a little silly. Still love VG though :3

  8. How long does it take to get off LPQ ban?

  9. Will Vainglory change the map to 3lanes and fight in 5v5 mode?

  10. Bruh, a heli just throws me off, I was expecting something more of a fighter jet. I mean, it's called " Jump Jets". ._.

  11. Hopefully they update this skin because definitely isn't A legendary skin because the only animation is when he turns into A helicopter. None of the basic attack or abilitys animations or special effects have been changed its actually an epic skin.

  12. I’m fortress support rona was crying for me to be in lane she goes home stops playing, she leaves match I wait for her. I try to surrender, no reason to keep playing a game I’m going to lose I want to end it already she stays afk the whole match I sit there waiting for the game to end, there is no reason to keep playing it’s ruined, game ends I get banned, I’m not waiting anymore, I’m not playing with these ppl anymore, I put no effort in writing this, I uninstalled game, I know I will be banned forever, ban looks like it has no time limit, I’m not waiting, i moved to red tides, not even mobile legends cuz it reminds me of vainglory, playing some other game now, not even mobas bye bye I don’t care see ya later I’m spreading the word lots feel my pain

  13. This skin sucks,please Fix It because It looks like a rare skin

  14. The last eat lyra skins : they should give particle effects to the Lyra abilities, regardless if we feel pity about them working hard on other things and what not, but face it , only people who are rich can afford that, dear diary Lyra was worth it because it was unique, the only thing special about these Lyra skins is that they are just wearing new dressing from three different countries, yeah good but they could have at least change the colour of the abilities for god's sake. If they were in the minds of the vainglory players, and firstly this is the skin to consider to be a rare , opals are hard to get , literally for most of us your not making sales with this skin (s) people prefer there time or money getting the skins with particle effect changes like a new portal design and new bright bulwark design for god sake literally disappointed for those who are like me who aren't rich. And if you look at Koshka skin, same amount of opals worth, is a better skin purchase that this skin that the abilities that look the same as the default, not worth it at all

  15. SEMC, can y’all please change the name to “Fight or Flight” Baron cos it seems more suitable to the skin. Please consider my suggestion! Thx

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